Cement News tagged under: europe

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PetroCem 2016

13 July 2016, Published under Cement News

The 9th PetroCem was held at the Astoria Hotel, St Petersburg between 24-26 April 2016. Some 500 delegates listened to a comprehensive programme that included leading cement producers and analysts as well as equipment suppliers, while a 50-stand exhibition provided expert knowledge and support. By ICR Research, UK. PetroCem 2016 opened with a distinguished line of speakers, including Igor Shikalov, Ilya Chigir, Mikhail Skorokhod and Ivan Borisov Mila German, conference organi...

Cembureau: European cement output up 0.9% in 2015

15 June 2016, Published under Cement News

According to the latest figures available, European cement production recorded a moderate growth of 0.9 per cent in 2015, compared to the previous year. This translates into 248Mt of cement in the Cembureau member countries. When put into a global context, of the 4.6bnt produced, Cembureau members accounted for 5.4 per cent. China remained the world’s largest cement producing country, accounting for just over 51 per cent of global production. Individual European markets recorded a mixe...

European Commission gives green light to HeidelbergCement's Italcementi acquisition

27 May 2016, Published under Cement News

HeidelbergCement has received clearance from the European Commission for the acquisition of Italcementi. The European authority accepts the proposed divestment of operations in Belgium, i.e. Italcementi’s local subsidiary Compagnie des Cements Belges SA (CCB), to avoid anti-competition issues in Europe. “We are very pleased with the positive decision of the European Commission”, says Dr Bernd Scheifele, chairman of the Managing Board of HeidelbergCement. “This decision is an important mil...

CECE report states EU construction equipment industry is transforming

14 April 2016, Published under Cement News

The European construction equipment industry is confidently looking towards the future and ready to embrace the transition into the digital era, with a stronger-than-ever focus on technology leadership and customer needs, according to the latest construction report by McKinsey & Co and CECE. “We are determined to serve our customers well in the midst of multiple trends facing our industry. Being at the technical forefront is critical for us,” said Bernd Holz, CECE president and sales direct...

German cement demand reaches 26.6Mt in 2015

18 March 2016, Published under Cement News

German cement consumption reached approximately 26.6Mt in 2015, some 2.2 per cent less than the previous year, according to German Cement Works Association (VDZ). The outlook for 2016 is more optimistic with the VDZ expecting positive market developments. "The persistent low level of investment in trade and industry has had a noticeable effect on the cement market", said Gerhard Hirth, President of VDZ. Despite the generally positive economic climate, no additional demand impetus came from ...

Court annuls information request by EC into cement company competition probe

14 March 2016, Published under Cement News

The European Court of Justice has annulled a request for information the European Commission had made to several cement makers in a cartel probe. The European Commission in 2010 opened an investigation into several cement makers – including HeidelbergCement, Holcim and Lafarge – saying it suspected the companies of possibly restricting imports into the EU, divvying up markets and coordinating prices. A year later, the commission sent lengthy questionnaires to the companies, requesting...

CEMBUREAU 4Q15 Economic Report: modest growth across EU, some clouds on horizon

10 March 2016, Published under Cement News

CEMBUREAU's Quarterly Economic Report for 4Q15, published yesterday, shows that no EU countries experienced recession in 2015. However, the latest quarterly data revealed that economic growth did not gain momentum in 4Q15 on a quarterly basis, with very modest growth rates recorded in all major EU economies, ie 0.3 per cent in the EU28 and Germany, 0.2 per cent in France and 0.1 per cent in Italy. The European cement association warns that there are growing fears of a deterioration in the...

European cement industry carbon costs cannot be passed onto customers

15 February 2016, Published under Cement News

One of the issues during the debate on the future of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS), is the ability (or not) of a sector to pass on to their customers costs arising from to the purchasing of CO2 allowances. “Based on a recent study commissioned to PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), it is clear that the European cement industry cannot pass through these additional carbon costs onto its customers,” according to European cement association, CEMBUREAU. “This is demonstrated by both econo...

New Holcim Romania CEO appointed

10 February 2016, Published under Cement News

Sofiane Benmaghnia has been appointed the new CEO of Holcim Romania, effective 1 April 2016. He replaces François Petry who took over as CEO of Aggregates Industries, the UK subsidiary of the recently-formed LafargeHolcim group. Algerian-Canadian Mr Benmaghnia joined LafargeHolcim in 1999 as a financial analyst. Since then, he has built his career within the group, working in several markets where LafargeHolcim operates (North America, Middle East, Africa and Europe). He has over 16 years o...

Construction output 0.8% in euro area

21 January 2016, Published under Cement News

In November 2015 compared with October 2015, seasonally-adjusted production in the construction sector increased by 0.8 per cent in the euro area (EA19) and by 0.7 per cent in the EU28, according to first estimates from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. In October 2015 production in construction grew by 0.6 per cent in the euro area and by 0.2 per cent in the EU28. In November 2015 compared with November 2014, production in construction expanded by 2.1 per cent in the ...