Cement News tagged under: pricing

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Northern Pakistan prices decline

30 May 2012, Published under Cement News

Pakistan cement prices have registered a decline of PKR20/bag during May to PKR415-420/bag from PKR435-440/bag due to the start of wheat harvesting, which created a  temporary shortage of labour for the construction industry, sources said on Tuesday. It is traditional for construction activity to slow in April and remain under pressure in the Punjab and and Khyber-Pakhtoonkhwa (KPK) until August. Daily dispatches have reduced to 60,000t from around 80,000t, one north-based cement produce...

Tanga Cement price comment, Tanzania

29 May 2012, Published under Cement News

Tanga Cement's managing director Erik Westerberg has said that is poor and unreliable rail transport is causing an escalation in cement prices in the country. “We are relying on road transport to move our products which is very costly,” Mr Westerberg told East African Business Week during the cement producers AGM last week. “If we were to use rail transport it would reduce the costs of production thereby reduce the final prices," he said. He added that, if the rail transport was reliab...

Oman expected to raise prices in 2013

28 May 2012, Published under Cement News

Omani cement producers will be able to raise prices by 2013 as dumping from the oversupplied UAE market slows and demand improves domestically and abroad, according to analysts, the Muscat Daily reports. A BankMuscat research report said that the drop in domestic price realisations took a 'halt' in the first quarter this year after six quarters of continuous declines, while the export realisation uptick came as a positive surprise. The report said, “Realisations have largely stabilised at ...

Kyrgyz Parliament demands the Government explain high price of cement

24 May 2012, Published under Cement News

The Kyrgyz Parliament has requested that the government explain why cement prices have dramatically soared in the country, according to local press reports. Today deputy Dastan Dzhumabekov reported that the price for a bag of cement increased to KGS600. “This has never happened. Citizens are outraged and do not understand what is happening. The government should come to Parliament and report,” he said. Earlier, deputy Turatbek Madylbekov demanded that representatives of Kant Cement and...

India: dumping duty on UAE, Iran white cement extended

23 May 2012, Published under Cement News

India’s Finance Ministry has extended the validity of existing anti-dumping duty on white cement imports from Iran, UAE until 11 April 2013. Business Line reports that this this one year extension follows the anti-dumping directorate’s recent move to initiate sunset review investigations on white cement imports from UAE and Iran. The petition seeking the review was filed by JK White Cement Works and Birla White. The existing anti-dumping duty on white cement imports ended in April this...

Mexican prices see slight increase

23 May 2012, Published under Cement News

During May, cement prices in Mexico and the United States showed a slight increase. Grupo Financiero Banamex said that according to its latest survey, the average regional retail price in the country reached up to MXP123/50kg. However, he noted that price adjustments across the country were varied. "The price change was mixed, as for example in Monterrey and Guadalajara prices rose two per cent in Mexico City was an increase of one percentage point, in Aguascalientes, Tijuana and Chihu...

Abu Dhabi cement prices up 8.7%, UAE

15 May 2012, Published under Cement News

Abu Dhabi issued its monthly report on the prices of building materials for the month of April 2012 issued by SCAD. As the report reveals, the average prices of several building materials groups have undergone changes during April 2012, compared with March 2012. Prominent among these was the rise of 8.7 per cent in the average price of  cement, reflecting increases in the prices of most of the items under this group in the range of 6.1 per cent for white cement and 19.2 per cent for Portland...

Cement prices turning a corner?

14 May 2012, Published under Cement News

While cement pricing power is generally strongest during the construction up-cycle, it has remained remarkably resilient in the recent downcycle, particularly when considering the overall economic environment. For instance, in 1H11, Cemex US sales volumes fell by 7% while the company was able to limit its price slide to 1%. However, the US cement industry has been in for a difficult time. While prices rose by an average 10% over 2004-07, during 2008-1H11, they contracted 2.8%. The USGS no...

Concerns over price hikes, Trinidad & Tobago

11 May 2012, Published under Cement News

The Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers' Association has expressed concern of a 19-21 per cent rise in prices. The situation is affecting the TTMA's members and severely hampering the construction industry, Trinidad Express Newspapers reported a spokesperson saying. In a May 2 circular to contractors, TCL announced price increases between 19 and almost 21 per cent on all types of cement, according to local industry players. "The TTMA is aware that the ongoing industrial action at Trin...

Energy price falls may increase 2H12 margins

04 May 2012, Published under Cement News

Industry analysts predict a recovery in cement margins in 2H12 as a consequence of falling international energy prices and the continued strength in cement prices, as highlighted in last week’s newsletter. The squeeze on cement markers' profit margins was widely felt during 2011, driven in the main by rapidly-rising energy costs that impacted on companies' bottom lines. Key energy prices rose by over 40% in a six-month period during 2011. This week's 1Q12 financial reports show how much i...