Threads Started: 3
Posts: 7
Strapline: Registered User


increasing reactivity of clinker

What do you think can be changed in operation of wet kiln in order to increase reactivity of the clinker? Thank you...

Re: Akalis reduction.

Would you please tell me little more about ASR and what ratio of it will do formation of alkali sulphate? Thank you.

Akalis reduction.

Is there is the way to reduce alkalis content (N a 2 O + K 2 O) in cement without wasting it?  

Re: The lumps in the cement.

Thank you for your answer.

Re: The lumps in the cement.

 Would you please tell me more about connection between concetration of C3A to the moisture in the cement. Thank yo...

Re: The lumps in the cement.

Thank  you for your reply. Niether have changed in Finish mill operation or recipe.

The lumps in the cement.

During last few weeks we start to see the lumps in cement. We're trying to find couses of it, however, we have not b...