28 posts
TimePosted 14/10/2008 04:19:26
Saprina says

Direction of kiln Rotation

Hey, What will happed if the kiln rotate in clockwise ? i know it is stupid question but i asked myself this question several times. What i want to say is there any kiln rotate in clockwise? Is it possible?  



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Reddy RR
4 posts
TimePosted 14/10/2008 07:26:46
Reddy RR says

Re: Direction of kiln Rotation

Yeah! There are many kilns in the world which are rotating clockwise! (viewing from the kiln discharge end looking against the material flow direction). Kiln direction of rotation is decided during the design stage and the cooler centre line is offset with kiln centre line accordingly depending on the direction of rotation of kiln. Considering the drive part, the pinion will be placed on the lifting side (if the kiln rotation is clockwise viewing from discharge end, the pinion will be on the left hand side). Hence kiln direction is uni-directional.


28 posts
TimePosted 14/10/2008 10:24:58
Saprina says

Re: Direction of kiln Rotation

OK, but if we have kiln system with pc and grate cooler (as an example) with counter-clockwise rotation and then we changed only the direction of the rotation to the clockwise direction what will happen? what i mean what will be the effect on the process and production?



Reddy RR
4 posts
TimePosted 15/10/2008 05:46:18
Reddy RR says

Re: Direction of kiln Rotation

Dear Saprina,

 There may not be any effect on the kiln production. But, it will have impact on grate  cooler cooling efficiency. The availability of kiln will also be affected. If the kiln girth gear is mounted on spring plates and if you have only one pinion driving the kiln then certainly you should not change the direction of kiln rotation. Other than this kiln axial balance of the kiln will also be effected by changing the direction of rotation. Hope I have answered your query.

Reddy R

