26 posts
TimePosted 03/02/2009 06:00:18
SRP says

Cooler losses

I would like to know about the cooler losses.

How many types of cooler losses are their. after going thro literature i found 3 to 4 numbers.

which are the  losses to be taken into account.

kindly awaiting youir reply on the same.





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Michael Clark
324 posts
TimePosted 04/02/2009 05:40:34

Re: Cooler losses

There are heat losses in the clinker, excess exhaust air from the cooler and via radiation from the shell of the cooler.


26 posts
TimePosted 04/02/2009 05:50:47
SRP says

Re: Cooler losses

Thank you for your reply.

there are total loss, loss based on VDZ and standard cooler loss for ambient and  deg C.

 Out of these losses which one to include in the calculation for the Cooler efficiency and Recuperation Efficiency


sanjay .
