74 posts
TimePosted 11/10/2010 23:42:31
M.Azhar says


Hello Every one

what is basic difference between CF silo and homogenizing silo   


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Bhaskar Agate
84 posts
TimePosted 12/10/2010 06:30:02

Re: silos

CF stands for controlled flow raw meal silo.While continuously blending and storing raw meal, the popular CF silo ensures stable kiln operation and high blending efficiency.

In case of homogenizing silo blending is done in batches and homogenizes raw meal can be stored in storage silo and then fed to kiln.Homogenized raw meal can also be fed directly to kiln.

 CF silo is continuous blending and homogenizing silo is batch blending.

 Bhaskar Agate


74 posts
TimePosted 14/10/2010 20:10:09
M.Azhar says

Re: silos

i thought that the homogenizing is phenomena that occurs in the silos ,,,,

am i right ? 


108 posts
TimePosted 15/10/2010 05:29:04
Dastgir says

Re: silos

Dear Azhar,

the Homogenize word means to mix up a mixture to render it equi compositional in its every part i.e. if we grab two samples from two different parts, they will be equi compositional chemically and physically.

What describe by bhasker was that homogenizing silo are used for batch mixing i.e. some part of material is mixed at a time and after finishing other part is mixed. If you have 5 kg of material and a container of capacity 1 kg, then to homogenize this sample, you have to mix that sample in the container in five batches i.e. for five times.

CF silo also carry out homogenization but not in batches but continuously. If you mount that container on a rotor and make provision of sample feeding from one end and exit from another end and continuously rotate that container, your sample will get homogenize, not in batches but continuously. This is what CF silo do with material.



Gulam Dastgir
