9 posts
TimePosted 12/06/2018 10:12:44
Punit says

re Factors affecting poor collection efficiency of preheater cyclones

Hello sir

May be probles is in your lower stage cyclone design 

Please tell me your kiln & precalciner & cyclone design .


thank you


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Ramesh Aital
26 posts
TimePosted 20/09/2018 11:10:13

re Factors affecting poor collection efficiency of preheater cyclones

Dear Sir,

We have 5 stage single string preheater system. Top two stages are LP cyclones where as bottom 3 stages are HP cyclones. Preheater gas we are operating at the range of 3 to 3.2 Nm3/kg clinker. Though it is on higher side we are forced to operate preheater fan at higher rpm to get max production in the existing set up. 

Here with i have attached the preheater cyclone details and particle size distribution done for kiln feed material.

Kiln size is 3.0 m ID x 42.5m length.

Separate line calciner : Calcination chamber 2.17m effective.

Pyroclone duct entering in to 5th cyclone :Effective dia 1..57m x height 14m.


11 posts
TimePosted 21/09/2018 12:27:33
VKM1 says

re Factors affecting poor collection efficiency of preheater cyclones

It looks that there is something worng in air flow calculation. Normally 1.45-1.6 should be a good range for a 5 Stage SLC Kiln but 3.2 can not be accepatble. Please relook. If there is some burning related issues in Kiln or PC, resolve that first.

Also pressure drop across top Cyclone is very low, probabaly some design issues in Dip tube height. Please send the details of Top Cyclone with clearly marking Dip tube height and entry duct position.

Have a relook on operating parameters also before trying anything else.


9 posts
TimePosted 23/12/2018 09:53:03
Punit says

re Factors affecting poor collection efficiency of preheater cyclones

Hello sir ,


Can you suggest the right cyclone design imperical relation of preheater cyclone ?

Thank you sir
