Jordan’s ministry is contemplating legal action against increase in cement prices. Jordan Cement Factories Company (JCFC) recently increased the price of cement to JOD 63 per tonne from JOD 60 per tonne. JFCC in a press release said that the price was inevitable due to the increasing input costs, especially because of a 35% increase in fuel prices since the beginning of 2004. JCFC General Manager Samer Biriqadar revealed to The Jordan Times that while the input costs had increased by JOD 5 JCFC has increased cement prices only by JOD 3. The price increase was criticised by Jordan Construction Contractors Association Vice President Dherar Sarayrah. Sarayrah also refuted JCFC’s claims that domestic cement prices were lower than cement prices in many regional markets. Meanwhile, The Jordan Times quoted a senior official at the Ministry of Industry and Trade to have said that in the ministry would contemplate legal action against JCFC since the ministry considered the price rise unjustified.
Published under Cement News