Italy-based CTP Team has been awarded a turnkey project for air pollution control in Malaysia for the conversion of an existing PL1 raw mill electrostatic precipitator (ESP) into a fabric filter as well as the upgrade of an existing exhaust fan.
CTP Team has signed a turnkey contract with YTL Cement, for the conversion to bag filter of an ESP of Perak-Hanjoong Simen's cement plant in Pedang Rengas, Malaysia. The project consists of a full turnkey solution for the conversion into a more efficient bag filter of the existing ESP, a 740,000m3/h unit installed downstream kiln and raw mills of Line 1. The conversion will abide to the current footprint on foundations with the minimum impact on steel structures, ducting and dust transport system, says CTP Team. The new filter will reduce the emission limits below 10mg/Nm3 by June 2019.
The filter will be equipped with SWAP technology – CTP's advanced cleaning system with low pressure air. The system reduces pressure drop of bags with minimum consumption of compressed air, with further benefit to operating expenses for the operator.
Local agent Shinco Industrial Equipment Sdn Bhd is assisting CTP Team to shorten project execution time.

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