Cement News tagged under: Environmental

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China needs plan to meet energy targets

31 March 2006, Published under Cement News

China’s government must produce firm plans to curb energy demand growth and pollution emissions before oil markets can judge how serious the country is about meeting its targets, Credit Suisse said in a report on Wednesday. In a text of its conference call on China, CS said China’s target to cut the energy intensity of the economy by 20 per cent over five years and pollution emissions by 10 per cent, represented a 4 per cent-plus annual reduction in energy demand growth versus Gross National...

Top builders to join with WBCSD

30 March 2006, Published under Cement News

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development announced today that it is forming an alliance of leading global companies to determine how buildings can be designed and constructed so that they use no energy from external power grids, are carbon neutral, and can be built and operated at fair market values.   The industry effort is led by United Technologies Corp, the world’s largest supplier of capital goods including elevators, cooling/heating and on-site power systems to the commer...

Municipal Waste Bound for Kingston

30 March 2006, Published under Cement News

Lafarge Canada has applied for approvals to burn waste from Ontario, Quebec, and eight US states at its cement plant in Bath. This proposal has activists worried. "The Bath Alternative Fuel project is not as straightforward as it seems. This could inadvertently determine waste management policies across Ontario and set us back decades in the fight to restore Lake Ontario," warns Waterkeeper and environmental lawyer Mark Mattson.    

Vassiliko Cement to produce energy needs from waste

30 March 2006, Published under Cement News

Vassiliko Cement, Cyprus, has intensified the drive to modernise its operations to cut costs, improve production and to produce up to 40 per cent of its energy needs from locally processed recycled waste. Executive Chairman Andreas Panayiotou told the Financial Mirror that the prospects of Vassiliko Cement Works (VCW) are excellent, but the drive to modernise and improve never stops as the islands largest cement producer strives to boost productivity and quality, while forcing its costs low...

Submissions filed against Lafarge proposal

29 March 2006, Published under Cement News

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper and Gord Downie have filed an official submission to the Ministry of Environment recommending that Lafarge’s request to burn tires and other waste at its cement kiln in Bath be denied. Last month, Waterkeeper asked the government for more time to review the submissions, and the deadline for public comment was extended to April 2, 2006.    The controversial incineration project is beginning to attract attention according to the opponents. Gord Downie, Lafarge’s close...

ST St. Lawrence makes peace

28 March 2006, Published under Cement News

St. Lawrence Cement Group Inc. has settled two New Jersey state court cases involving the company’s GranCem grinding facility in Camden, N.J. The cases centred on claims by local residents, primarily in the Terraces neighbourhood, about alleged nuisances of the SLCG facility and other local industrial operations.  "We are pleased that these litigations are now resolved and look forward to maintaining sound relationships with the Camden community," stated Mike Davis, senior vice-president, U....

Cyprus piles up pollution credit

28 March 2006, Published under Cement News

THE Electrical Authority of Cyprus (EAC) has produced several hundred thousand tonnes of carbon dioxide less than its 400,000t allowance and so it may now sell back the “pollution credits” to other companies in the European Union who have exceeded their assigned carbon dioxide allowances. These ‘emission trading rights’ reward companies that reduce energy consumption and that use non-polluting renewable energy sources by allowing them to sell back their unused emissions to other companies. P...

WWF and Bamburi Cement in conservation effort

27 March 2006, Published under Cement News

Visiting World wide Fund for nature (WWF) Director General, Jan Leape has called on both the private sector and government to boost forests and woodlands conservation as part of the global agenda for sustainable development. Jan Leape was speaking at a cocktail party hosted for him by Bamburi Cement in Mombasa after touring Haller Park, Bamburi’s wastelands rehabilitation showcase. He suggested that Kenya and other African countries risked backsliding on the achievement of sustainable develo...

Carbon Credits to float?

27 March 2006, Published under Cement News

Carbon Credits International is expected to float onto the UK AIM market within the next two months at around 45p and some analysts believe the company has potential to offer significant capital growth to investors over the medium term. Recent interest in green investment has seen a rise in the number of green funds looking for ethical, environmentally friendly companies to back.  The ratification of the Kyoto Protocol in February 2005 has forced all major polluting companies to factor carbo...

Fear over incinerator trial at cement works

24 March 2006, Published under Cement News

Campaigners fear Cemex’s UK Barrington cement works could be earmarked as a waste incineration site. Cemex UK Operations, owner of the works, announced earlier this month it was suspending an application to build the new plant at its site because of "uncertainty over the future of CO2 strategy in the UK." But now environmental campaigners fear the site faces a new threat. In July, Cemex will start a trial burning Climafuel, made from cardboard and plastic packaging waste, and environmental ...