Cement News tagged under: Environmental

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The La Araña cement plant upgrade

03 March 2006, Published under Cement News

Over coming months, the Financiera y Minera cement factory in La Araña, Spain will soon be cleaner, more environment-friendly, more productive and more attractive to look at than before. Restructuring work on the site, which is expected to cost some Euro 84m, will be the biggest project of its type carried out by any private company in Malaga’s history, involving the replacement of most of the present buildings on the site with new ones, while making better use of energy, cutting down on tox...

Cement works exceeding emissions

27 February 2006, Published under Cement News

Two tyre-burning kilns at the Lafarge plant at Westbury have exceeded the permitted emission levels of hydrogen chloride and oxides of nitrogen, says the Environment Agency.  The Environment Agency has served an enforcement notice on the firm.  Lafarge has until 5 April to carry out a review to pinpoint what actions it needs to take to comply with the new permit limits.    Jim Flory of the Environment Agency said the notice spelled out "specific actions and timescales for (Lafarge) to ens...

Judges weigh up cement complaint

27 February 2006, Published under Cement News

The European Court of Justice is expected to deliver judgement in the next few months on a £54m development at a Flintshire cement works. Five judges are considering if EU laws were broken when planning permission was granted for a new kiln at the Castle Cement plant near Mold.  The case was brought against the UK government after environment campaigner Klaus Armstrong-Braun complained.  Castle Cement said a full environmental impact assessment had been made.    Mr Armstrong-Braun, a form...

Cement plant seeks more time to unload hazardous waste

27 February 2006, Published under Cement News

Continental Cement has asked the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for 10 days to unload hazardous waste from rail cars instead of being limited to three days as state law requires. DNR is accepting public comments about the proposed variance until March 3. The cement plant kiln burns about 90,000 tons of hazardous and non-hazardous waste a year. Much of the material burned in its kiln comes by rail car. Jerry Epperson, environmental manager for Continental Cement, said when t...

Mexican industry takes voluntary action against climate change

23 February 2006, Published under Cement News

Mexico’s environment ministry (SEMARNAT) recognized fifteen major companies today for publicly reporting their greenhouse gas emissions through a voluntary public-private initiative known as the Mexico Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Program.  "Mexico is committed to fight global warming," said Secretary of Environment Jose Luis Luege Tamargo. "Collaborating with industry is a key part of our strategy."    The Mexico GHG Program, the first of its kind in a developing country, is a voluntary program es...

Kenya must set up environmental policy

22 February 2006, Published under Cement News

The Kenyan Government has been asked to formulate an environmental management policy.  Mvita MP Najib Balala said yesterday that the Government needed to work closely with key partners, including NGOs and the business community, to develop the policy. Poor planning, he said, had made urban slums inaccessible, making their development difficult.  The former National Heritage minister was speaking at Floringi in his constituency when he launched an infrastructure upgrading project.     The pr...

Holly Hill to use nonhazardous solid waste

22 February 2006, Published under Cement News

Energis LLC, has begun supplying nonhazardous solid waste as fuel at the Holcim Holly Hill, South Carolina, plant. The waste, which will include plastics, oil absorbents, wood and paint solids, will supplement the company´s use of fossil fuels to power its cement kiln. The materials must have heat values of at least 5,000 BTUs, said Mario Romero, president of Energis. The program will divert waste from landfills while reducing the company´s reliance on fossil fuels. Energis is a wholly owned...

Fairborn plant hopes for tyre burn

17 February 2006, Published under Cement News

Greene County Commissioners recently gave Cemex, with its cement production plant in Fairborn, permission to apply for a Scrap Tyre Grant as the company prepares to burn scrap tyres as fuel.  Officials forecast the project, if successful, will generate a combined $440,000 in state and federal taxes.  But a local environmental group has cried foul, claiming "burning tires is a dangerous business resulting in increased emissions of some of the most toxic chemicals known," according to Dawn Fal...

No accidents at Italcementi Castrovillari Plant 2004-2005

17 February 2006, Published under Cement News

No workplace accidents took place at the Castrovillari cement production plan of Italian construction company Italcementi near Cosenza in southern Italy, in the last two years, the company said on February 16, 2006.  According to Italcementi, that was the result of workplace security programme Zero Infortuni (No Accidents), launched in 2000 at all company plants in Italy and abroad.  The incidence of workplace accidents in cement producing plants in Italy fell by 90 per cent since the start ...

Tororo dust emissions anger

16 February 2006, Published under Cement News

The Ugandan District Environment Officer, Mr John Gongo, has said Tororo Cement Industry Ltd faces closure due to the continued disposal of large amounts of dust in the air during the night. He said the industry has continued to defy regulations by the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) despite several warnings to stop. "These people are taking advantage of night time to dispose of large amounts of dust in the air which is illegal, they are defying the NEMA regulations that ...