Cement News tagged under: Environmental

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Arnie talks the talk

13 April 2006, Published under Cement News

In June, Schwarzenegger had merely set targets. No one knew if he’d go further. Tom Tietz is with the California Nevada Cement Promotion Council. He said a legal limit would be dreadful for business in general, and in the cement business in particular. We still believe that’ll send jobs and production overseas, to countries that don’t have these sort of environmental limits. But a legal cap on greenhouse gas emissions is absolutely essential, said Karen Douglas of Environmental Defense. ...

Cement industries polluting city environment

13 April 2006, Published under Cement News

A total of 20 cement grinding plants industries established in the residential areas of the Dhaka, Bangladesh have dangerously been polluting the environment, reports BDNEWS. According to sources the directorate of environment (DoE) has issued environmental certificates to 15 out of 35 cement industries in Dhaka division.  Other 20 industries have been established in a 2km area of residential districts. Those industries have not been given clearance for not installing any system for secu...

Castle blames planners for £100k pollution fine

12 April 2006, Published under Cement News

Bungling planners cost Castle Cement a UK£100,000 fine after magistrates found it guilty of pollution in north Wales, the company claimed last week. Castle lashed out in a bitter row with the Environment Agency (EA) over who is to blame for the pollution. North Wales magistrates last month found the company guilty of hiding the truth about excessive pollution levels at Padeswood. The EA accused Castle of exceeding levels of dioxins, failing to keep it informed when levels went over the l...

Cemex develops new concrete

12 April 2006, Published under Cement News

Cemex has presented a new water-permeable concrete called Acuicreto, which allows water to filter through to urban aquifers, local press reported. "It is a permeable and ecological concrete because it allows filtration of water into the subsoil, minimizing the rainwater runoff that causes flooding and ponding, with the latter being a source of contamination due to the waste carried [in the water]," Cemex executive Romero Esquinca was quoted as saying by daily Milenio. The new product too...

Cemex plant under a cloud

10 April 2006, Published under Cement News

A group of activists say they will know in a few weeks whether the dust covering car hoods and tabletops at homes near the Cemex cement plant in Lyons, Colorado, comes from the facility or other sources. Members of the Colorado Citizens Campaign, an environmentalist group urging Cemex to curb pollution from its Lyons plant, spent the week collecting dust samples with cotton swabs at homes within a half-mile of the facility. The group enlisted Denny Larson, director of San Francisco-based G...

Lafarge announces new CDM projects

10 April 2006, Published under Cement News

Lafarge reports that its Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project which substitutes alternative, biomass energy sources for fossil fuels in two of its cement plants in Malaysia, has been validated by the CDM Executive Board, in line with the framework established by the Kyoto Protocol. Registered on April 7, 2006, the CDM project was approved by Malaysian and French authorities. It is the first CDM project of its kind to be registered by the cement industry. It is also the second CDM proj...

EPA faces environmental challenge

06 April 2006, Published under Cement News

Activists plan to sue the US EPA over a rare decision to invalidate a final air toxics standard for particulate matter (PM) emissions from cement kilns in favor of a less stringent rule.  The EPA on March 23 issued an administrative stay of its maximum achievable control technology (MACT) standard for new cement kilns that burn hazardous waste, after receiving an industry petition that argued the standard was overly stringent. EPA on the same day issued a proposal for a standard that include...

Plan to burn tyres and trash raises worries

06 April 2006, Published under Cement News

A proposal to burn tyres at an eastern Ontario cement plant to create fuel is a safe one, company executives say, but environmentalists call it a hazardous idea that would poison the air over both Canada and the United States.  The Sierra Legal Defence Fund is accusing the provincial government of refusing to launch a full environmental assessment of the proposal by Lafarge Canada, a subsidiary of the world’s biggest cement producer, to burn waste at its cement plant in Bath, Ontario, near K...

St Lawrence Cement Group – case dismissed

04 April 2006, Published under Cement News

St. Lawrence Cement Group is pleased to announce that the pending federal court litigation in Camden, New Jersey, involving the company’s GranCem(TM) grinding facility has been dismissed.  The federal litigation was originally filed in February 2001 by South Camden Citizens in Action (SCCIA) against the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). SCCIA claimed among other things, that the NJDEP intentionally discriminated against minority residents of the Waterfront South Camd...

Cement firm fined over emissions

03 April 2006, Published under Cement News

Castle’s Padeswood works has been fined UK£99,000 after admitting nine offences, including releasing more than the permitted amount of dioxins.  Flintshire magistrates also told Castle Cement to pay £9300 costs over its plant at Padeswood, near Mold.  The Environment Agency brought the case over old kilns, which are no longer in use after investment in new ones.  The firm said there were problems with monitoring, but it was not convinced that the emission figures were correct.    The offenc...