Cement News tagged under: Lafarge
French court postpones Lafarge Syria ruling25 October 2019, Published under Cement NewsA French court has postponed its decision on whether to uphold preliminary charges against Lafarge after the cement company had allegedly made payments to Syrian armed organisations, including Islamic State, in 2013-14 to keep its plant in operation. The postponement of the case will be until 7 November 2019. Lafarge appealed the charges, which also include financing a terrorist enterprise, violation of an embargo and endangering others, reports the Daily Mail. |
Dangote Cement28 August 2019, Published under Cement NewsDangote Cement is among five companies calling for an investigation into cement imports into South Africa. According to The Concrete Institute (ITC), imports have risen by 139 per cent since 2016. In the 2Q19, 350,441t of cement arrived in South Africa, the highest level since the 3Q15. Imports from Vietnam alone totalled 301,872t. Most of the cement imports come through Durban, which handled 260,909t in the second quarter of this year, marking an 85 per cent increase on the 1Q19. On beha... |
Lafarge Cement UK increase concrete longevity with Lafarge Endure SR06 June 2019, Published under Cement NewsLafarge Cement UK (part of Aggregate Industries and LafargeHocim group) has launched a new high-performance, low-carbon, blended cement called Lafarge Endure SR. The new CEM II cement is a blend of clinker and Portland fly ash to produce a cement with a lower embodied CO 2 and improved plastic and hardened properties when used in concrete. Endure SR is also resistant to sulphates, making it suitable for a wider variety of ground projects than CEM I blends. It has DC-4 durability standard ... |
PPC31 January 2019, Published under Cement NewsThis month has seen South Africa’s Competition Tribunal once again turn its attention to alleged cartel activity in the cement industry. The Competition Commission previously argued in 2008 that PPC, AfriSam, Lafarge and Natal Portland Cement (NPC) were involved in a market-sharing arrangement in the late 1990s. PPC was granted conditional immunity from prosecution in exchange for complete disclosure of all cartel activity between itself and its competitors. AfriSam and Lafarge paid fines... |
New cement plant for Lesotho17 October 2018, Published under Cement NewsLesotho's Lephema Executive Group and Lafarge have launched a new plant, Maloti Mountain Cement, in Lesotho. Speaking at the inauguration launch, the founder of Lephema Executive Group, Lebona Lephema, said the establishment of the cement plant is a 'dream come true' after years of travelling all over South Africa to find a partner among the country’s cement producers. He said his passion to establish the plant was not necessarily driven by money but to rescue Basotho and join in the ba... |
Case dropped against LafargeHolcim's mining in East Khasi hills21 September 2018, Published under Cement NewsThe Meghalya High Court dismissed a public interest litigation (PIL) against LafargeHolcim as being 'totally without merit' and 'tainted with ill design' against the company's mining of limestone in the land bordering Nongtrai and Shella, India, near the Bangladesh border. While the PIL had been pending since 2007, the Shella Action Committee (SAC) could not produce one land owner who was affected, after the land was transferred, sold or leased out in favour of Lafarge. The SAC had filed ... |
Lafarge under investigation over ISIS funding29 June 2018, Published under Cement NewsLafarge SA was charged on Thursday with crimes against humanity for funding Islamic State in Syria. The company was informed by magistrates that it had been placed under formal investigation for financing a terrorist enterprise, aiding and abetting crimes against humanity, and endangering life. Previously, three Lafarge officials were handed charges for their alleged roles in indirectly funding Islamic extremist groups, enabling the cement producer to operate in war-torn Syria. Lafarge ha... |
Lafarge to invest millions in Val d’Azergues plant06 February 2018, Published under Cement NewsLafarge announced that it will invest several million euros in upgrading its Val d’Azergues plant, France, over the next three years. During the winter technical shutdown, the plant will carry out several maintenance procedures, particularly on the kiln’s bag filter. It will also renovate the preheater and is reported to be changing its cooler. In addition, the company seeks to improve the environmental performance of the site. The Val d’Azergues plant produces sulphate-resistant ceme... |
Lafarge starts low-carbon fuel research project12 January 2018, Published under Cement NewsLafarge Canada Inc, in cooperation with the University of Calgary, Queen’s University and Pembina Institute, is carrying out a million-dollar study on the environmental benefits of introducing lower-carbon fuels at its Exshaw Cement plant in Alberta, Canada. “Our estimates show each 20 per cent incremental replacement of natural gas at the Exshaw Cement Plant with lower carbon fuels could result in the elimination of nearly 75,000tpa of CO2. This is the equivalent of taking over 16,000 ca... |
Lafarge Malaysia to step up cost and efficiency drive04 January 2018, Published under Cement NewsFollowing its MYR135m net loss for 9MFY17, Lafarge Malaysia confirmed it will pursue ongoing strategic initiatives to achieve profitability in the near term, according to Focus Malaysia. The company expects to optimise its costs as it plans to source petcoke directly from the Middle East, which is forecast to lead to savings of 5-10 per cent. The current modernisation project at its Rawang works is also expected to contribute to the cement producer’s drive to optimise its assets as it... |