Cement News tagged under: Lafarge

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Syria: Lafarge protected interests from ISIS

22 June 2016, Published under Cement News

According to French newspaper Le Monde, Lafarge entered into deals with armed groups in Syria, including the Islamic State, to protect its staff and business interests in the country. Lafarge is yet to respond to queries from Agence France-Presse (AFP), saying only that "Lafarge's absolute priority has always been ensuring the safety and security of its staff." The Jalabiya cement works, situated 150km northeast of Aleppo, purchased by Lafarge in 2007 is at the centre of the ‘deals’ alleg...

Malaysia: slow cement growth in 2016

03 June 2016, Published under Cement News

Malaysia is proving to be a challenging market for Lafarge where it is reported to have seen profits fall by 72 per cent in 1Q16 to US$5m. While this has resulted partly from production issues, it represents a significant fall in sales from a year earlier when profits were up at US$17.9m for the 1Q15. Indications are that Lafarge is not the only producer finding the Malaysian market somewhat challenging at present. Depreciation of the ringitt also saw Cahya Meta Sarawak Bhd (CMS) raise it...

Malaysia: Lafarge takes 1Q16 hit on net profits

26 May 2016, Published under Cement News

Lafarge Malaysia Bhd is optimistic about its prospects this year despite having had a challenging 1Q16. The company's net profit fell nearly 72 per cent to US$5m in the first quarter of this year from US$17.9m in the same period a year earlier. President and CEO, Thierry Legrand, attributed this to lower contribution from the cement segment, following continued price competition and one-off integration costs following the acquisition of Holcim (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. "But are we are well-po...

France: Daniel Group to buy Lafarge quarries

24 May 2016, Published under Cement News

Daniel Group is to buy three assets of Lafarge in France. The Baudreix-Mirepeix site comprises a 200,000tpa alluvial gravel quarry and a concrete plant. The agreement will also include the acquisition of the 350,000tpa Louvie-Juzon, an open pit limestone quarry, as well as a further concrete plant. These purchases add to the offer of the construction material specialist, which aims to broaden its customer base. With these acquisitions, the Daniel group owns 19 sites, reports Aggregate Resea...

Lafarge Africa appoints new group managing director

23 May 2016, Published under Cement News

Lafarge Africa Plc has announced the appointment of Michel Puchercos as its new group managing director/CEO. A French national, Mr Puchercos has worked in South Korea, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and France and speaks various languages including French, English, Korean, Spanish and Swahili. He started his career in 1982 at the French Ministry of Agriculture, where he was head of two departments. He left the ministry after seven years to other companies as general manager and executive vic...

USA: Lafarge cancels Joppa expansion

18 May 2016, Published under Cement News

Lafarge North America has put an end to expansion plans at the Joppa Cement Plant, Massac County, Illinois. A spokeswoman for Lafarge, Robin De Carlo, said that the cancellation of plans to install a third kiln at the Illinois plant was due to the two kilns already in operation meeting current needs. Lafarge purchased the Joppa Cement plant in 1991.

Zimbabwe: firms face closure

13 May 2016, Published under Cement News

Due to an influx of cheap imported products in Zimbabwe, local cement producers have warned of a possible scaling down of operations and closures, saying protectionist measures are needed to save the industry. In a recent position paper presented to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce by the Cement and Concrete Institute of Zimbabwe, local cement manufacturers have called for the government to ban imported cement, among other interventions, saying the market is oversupplied. Some measu...

France: Saint-Pierre-la-Cour plant to raise alternative fuel usage

05 May 2016, Published under Cement News

Lafarge is to increase its alternative fuel usage at Saint-Pierre-la-Cour, the biggest cement plant in France, reports Aggregate Research. The replacement rate of fossil fuels currently used could reach 83 per cent thanks to a new shredded solid waste recovery workshop, which was inaugurated in March 2016. Lafarge aims to be less dependent on imported products and promote local industry. In 2013 the thermal substitution rate at the cement plant was 60 per cent, up from 39 per cent in 2012....

Lafarge inaugurates new solid waste grinding unit in France

31 March 2016, Published under Cement News

Lafarge has inaugurated a new solid waste grinding facility at its Saint-Pierre-la-Cour cement works in Mayenne, France. The new unit will help the French cement producer to increase its thermal substitution rate to over 80 per cent. The company sources around 60 per cent of its waste from the Loire and Bretagne area.

Buzzi Unicem strengthens US distribution network

22 February 2016, Published under Cement News

Buzzi Unicem has added three new terminals to its distribution network, acquired after the merger between Lafarge and Holcim. Located in Rock Island (IL), Grandville (MI) and Elmira (MI), the terminals will serve new markets for Buzzi.  Rock Island terminal has a cement distribution capacity of around 70,000tpa. Cement is delivered to the terminal from Buzzi's Selma (MO) plant by barge along the Mississipi river, or by rail from the Greencastle (IN), Cape Girardeau (MO) and Selma plants. ...