Cement News tagged under: Trading

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Cement prices yet to fall in Gujarat

17 March 2004, Published under Cement News

Cement prices in Gujarat have remained consistent despite the Gujarat government’s recommendation last week to bring down prices by Rs 10 per 50 kg bag.  Domestic cement majors such as Gujarat Ambuja Cements, Larsen & Toubro and Sanghi Cement have not reduced prices in the retail segment, which are currently being quoted at around Rs 160-165 per 50 kg bag.  The Gujarat government had asked cement manufacturers to roll back prices to facilitate construction in the state. The cement companies ...

Price rise reasons

15 March 2004, Published under Cement News

Indian ement prices have been rising mainly because of the demand-supply mismatch. February demand has gone up by 10 per cent, compared to about 5.5 per cent in all other months. With the government stepping on the gas for completing the Golden Quadrilateral project and the pre-poll fever, demand for cement has shot up, KC Jain, senior president, Vasavadatta Cement, indicated. Inability of the railways to provide wagon supplies to the extent anticipated by the industry and the limits imp...

Nigerian price debate

15 March 2004, Published under Cement News

The high cost of production, falling local naira currency, poor production facilities in many cases and now  the recent rise in freight charges have been blamed as reasons for the escalating prices of cement, which in the last six months has gone beyond the reach of Nigerians According to Mr. Knut Ulvmeom, Group Managing Director, Dangote Group, Nigeria at the moment consumes a total of 10Mt annually out of which a total of 8Mt are imported. He said only 2Mta are produced locally. He said...

Levy on Turkish cement approved

10 March 2004, Published under Cement News

The Israeli Knesset Finance Committee today approved an order by Minister of Industry Trade and Labor Ehud Olmert to impose a levy of US$5.83 per ton on the dumping prices of imported Turkish cement. The levy is intended to protect Nesher Israel Cement Enterprises from cement imports at dumping prices.  The Finance Committee stated that following negotiations with the Turkish government, an agreement was reached, under which Turkish cement producers who pledge not to sell cement to Israel at ...

DTI puts pressure on local cement producers

10 March 2004, Published under Cement News

Seriously doubting the ability of local cement players to reduce prices, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has decided to finally impose the P5 reduction of the P20.60 safeguard tariff on per bag of imported cement as well as reduced the number of inspection period for such imports from 28 days to 7 to 14 days to facilitate supply and counter the high prices of local cement. This twin measure was revealed by Trade and Industry Secretary Cesar V. Purisima to reporters at the sideline...

Import duty cut on coal

04 March 2004, Published under Cement News

The Indian government’s move to slash import duty on coal to arrest spiralling steel prices has an unintended beneficiary: the cement industry. Larsen & Toubro and Gujarat Ambuja Cements, two of the larger cement producers with shore-based facilities which rely on imported coal, are set to witness a reduction in manufacturing costs, especially at a time when international coal prices have hit a five-year high. Late last week, the Union finance ministry issued notifications for reducing custo...

Saudi exports down demand up

03 March 2004, Published under Cement News

According to Al-Riyadh newspaper (March 1, 2004), official statistics revealed that the total cement exports of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia decreased to 1.8Mt in 2003, down from 2.8Mt in the previous year. Only three companies out of the operating cement companies in Saudi Arabia managed to export last year including the Saudi Cement Company (1.1Mt), the Eastern Province Cement Company (498,000t) and the Southern Cement Company (212,000t).  Meanwhile, cement demand in Saudi Arabia stood at 22...

Mumbai cement prices

02 March 2004, Published under Cement News

Retail cement prices in Mumbai may rise by Rs 5 per 50 kg bag, while the prices in Gujarat are likely to jump up by Rs 10 per a 50 kg bag.  While prices in Mumbai will stand at Rs 173-175 after the increase in price, a 50 kg bag in Gujarat is expected to be quoted at Rs 160. Domestic cement majors are pushing for this price hike from March 1 on the back of a steady demand.  Cement analysts expect the price hike to be implemented in other parts of Maharashtra by the first week of March. Senio...

Belarusian cement to Finland

01 March 2004, Published under Cement News

The state-run Belarusian cement plant, Mogilev oblast, has supplied the first 500-ton consignment of the cement of the highest standard ³550² to Finland. Specialists of a Finnish company visited the plant, took samples of the cement and tested them at their laboratories. They were satisfied with the quality of the Belarusian cement. This is why the sides reached a preliminary agreement on further cooperation. According to plant officials, Finland has become the fifth country to import Belarus...

Cement Company contract denied

01 March 2004, Published under Cement News

Nairobi: A parastatal boss has denied responsibility for a multibillion-shilling contract signed with a cement dealer last year. Lawyer Desterio Oyatsi, for East Africa Portland Cement, yesterday told High Court judge Leonard Njagi the contract in dispute had been signed by acting managing director E.C. Birya without the knowledge of the company and its board. The court heard that the former MD had breached his duties and that, according to the present MD, Ms Mary Wairimu Ngari, the agreemen...