3 Hazemag crushers for Government of Egypt Cement
For the handling of its contract with the GOE (Government of Egypt) Cement Co, Chinese cement pla...
For the handling of its contract with the GOE (Government of Egypt) Cement Co, Chinese cement pla...
Libya’s state-owned Cement African Company has awarded China National Building Material Co ...
Sinoma International Engineering Co announced that on May 23rd it signed a general agreement with...
China’s CBMI Co Ltd has signed a contract worth EUR83.3m to build a new factory for Cypriot...
ABB wins orders for its Knowledge Manager PIMS in Honduras and is to provide full electrical and...
On May 1st, 2008 Nael Cement Co, located at Al Ain in the United Arab Emirates signed a contract ...
Swedish technical consulting services provider SWECO said on Monday (5 May) that it has won a EU...
Gebr Pfeiffer AG and its Indian subsidiary Gebr Pfeiffer AG (INDIA) Pvt. Ltd. have been appointed by
Due to the booming market for cement in India, Jindal South West Group has decided to get into ce...
TurboSonic Technologies, Inc announced receipt of US$1m in new orders for SoniChem Chemical Oxidi...
KHD Humboldt Wedag International Ltd announced today that it has won a contract valued at approxi...
FLSmidth has signed its third contract this year for equipment for a greenfield cement plant in R...
Sinoma International Engineering Co Ltd said its unit Sinoma (Handan) Construction Co Ltd has won a
FLSmidth is to supply equipment with a value of approximately US$75m for the modernisation and ex...
ives FCB and the Mexican Company Cementos Apasco, part of the Holcim Group, have recently signed
Sinoma International Engineering Co, Ltd announced today that it has signed an agreement with Sa...