HeidelbergCement AG said it will take over a credit obligation of more than US$150m for its Indonesian subsidiary Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa . A spokeswoman for HeidelbergCement said it is a restructuring of an existing credit agreement, with Indocement to repay HeidelbergCement the sum in Indonesian rupiah. She said the move was made to protect Indocement from currency fluctuations. Published under Cement News
HeidelbergCement AG said it will take over a credit obligation of more than US$150m for its Indonesian subsidiary Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa . A spokeswoman for HeidelbergCement said it is a restructuring of an existing credit agreement, with Indocement to repay HeidelbergCement the sum in Indonesian rupiah. She said the move was made to protect Indocement from currency fluctuations. Published under Cement News
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