OYSA Cimento Sanayii ve Ticaret AS, Turkey has awarded KHD Humboldt Wedag AG the contract to increase the capacity of the existing tube mill #2 by conversion to a semi-finish-grinding system. Increase in capacity for OPC will be 130 per cent and 160 per cent for slag meal at a fineness of 5000 cm3/g.
The contract with KHD includes as key plant components:
Roller Press RP 20-170/180
VSK -Separator 112/24-3250
ROLCOX‚ automation system.
The new system for drying and grinding of different feed materials (clinker, wet blast furnace slag and additives) operates in a semi-finish-grinding mode. The installation of the RP-/VSK- circuit can be realised with a short shutdown period and without disturbing the ongoing cement production.
The contract includes engineering, supply of equipment and supervision of erection and commissioning. The new system is to start operation in 2005. Date posted: 05/11/03
Published under Cement News