thyssenkrupp Group sets carbon neutral target of 2050

thyssenkrupp Group sets carbon neutral target of 2050
04 July 2019

thyssenKrupp Group aims to be carbon neutral by 2050, and to have cut emissions from production and outsourced energy by 30 per cent as early as by 2030. This means emissions from thyssenkrupp products have to fall by 16 per cent by 2030.

"The threats posed by climate change affect us all. As an industrial company with operations around the globe we are in a particularly god position to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through sustainable products and processes. We take this responsibility very seriously and have received several awards for this in recent years. Now we are setting ourselves clear targets for 2030 and 2050 as the next logical step," said thyssenkrupp CEO, Guido Kerkhoff.

Dr Donatus Kaufmann, thyssenKrupp board member responsible for technology, innovation, sustainability, legal and compliance, said: "Our goals are ambitious... But if we are to achieve our climate targets we need to make significantly more use if renewable energies. Also, there are no internationally harmonised financial incentives for investments in CO2 abatement technologies. These are basic requirements for making a real change."

Published under Cement News