Refractory supplier Calderys organised in all its industrial sites and offices the ‘’, a day on which the group halts operations for a few hours to promote and strengthen a strong health and safety culture across the company.
On 20 September, employees and contractors were asked to stop operations and tasks, and dedicate some time to reinforcing the company’s health and safety culture with diverse activities. The theme of this year’s event was “Shared Vigilance” focussing on how everyone can contribute to lowering risks and maintaining a safe workplace by staying alert. Everywhere, activities and workshops were organised involving employees, contractors and sometimes customers.
Michel Cornelissen, Calderys president and CEO, says: “At Calderys, our commitment to health and safety is integral to our strategy and embedded in everything we do. Our corporate value “We are accountable” says it all. We are accountable for our actions, decisions and their consequences, this includes our own health and safety and that of everyone involved in our activities. This is an absolute commitment and a key priority every day. The has been launched with the aim of taking the time to reflect on our approach to health and safety in order to constantly improve it and reinforce our general health and safety culture. It is a key event in the life of our company and I was very proud to witness the engagement and enthusiasm of the teams on 20 September 20.”
In addition to the workshop on “Shared Vigilance”, sites were requested to hold an activity around the “line of fires” and how to mitigate the risks of being in harm's way. A third workshop was also available tailored to local needs. A global internal webinar was organised during the day for all colleagues who could not be on site.
Calderys is named after the group’s safety programme: safe. It was launched in 2023 during the first edition of the which gathered the whole newly-combined company.

Calderys' Zhangjiagang plant in China