Raj Sahu

Raj Sahu
Threads Started: 34
Posts: 198
Strapline: Registered User


Re: Reclaimers

For getting better pre-blending efficiency you should design the pile quantity of at least 5- 7 days of your kiln re...

Re: Pressure drop

The desired pressure drop for 5 stage preheater are as given under 1.Pressure drop across preheater in PC kiln w...

Re: Maximum SO3 Permissible

Dear Mr.Lalbatros, As per your formula for calculating enrich SO3 of 4 for a 4 stage preheater kiln seems very hig...

Re: central air pressure

Dear Rahul, Could you please send me your e-mail ID ? I will send you a graph which is drawn between nozzle prssur...

Re: Limit MgO in Limestone filler

Limestone filler having high MgO will not have any effect on soundness or expansion in cement concrete.Limestone fill...

Re: Maximum SO3 Permissible

Maximum allowable input of SO3 for calciner kiln system without bypass on LOI free basis is 1.2%.Limits for SO3 in c...

Re: P2O5

Phosphorous pentoxide(P2O5) limiting range should be max 1% and preferable range should be 0.3-0.5%.A higher P2O5 ha...

Re: Coating formation in Kiln Inlet

The main reason of coating formation in any kiln is unbalanced sulphur to alkali, molar ratio.If you balance the mol...

Re: central air pressure

For kiln burner if you increase the axial air or radial air pressure(Multi channel burner).Burner tip axial air and ...

Re: Tromp curve

Tromp curve is used to evaluate performance to an air separator.By analysing the separator feed ,separator fines and...