Cement News tagged under: Mauritania

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Mauritanian cement producers reminded of government-led pricing

22 August 2024, Published under Cement News

Mauritania's Minister of Commerce and Tourism, Zeinebou Mint Hmednah, send a circular to the walis throughout the country to oblige traders to respect the government-led price of cement at MRU5950 (US$150.66)/t of 42 grade cement and MRU5650/t of 32 cement. The cement prices were agreed by mutual agreement between the government and cement producers. She also called on the walis to supervise the determination of the cost of transport from Nouakchott to the unloading site.

Vicat announces FY20 sales of EUR2805m

17 February 2021, Published under Cement News

Vicat announced FY20 sales of EUR2805m, up 5.5 per cent from EUR2740m in FY19. EBITDA rose to EUR557m, up by 10.1 per cent LfL and EBIT increased to EUR298m, a rise of 17.5 per cent LfL.  Vicat’s consolidated net income reached EUR172m, up 17.5 per cent LfL from EUR160m in FY19. Cash flow totalled EUR461m up 12.9 per cent LfL and net debt fell to EUR1202m, down EUR88m. Leverage is at 2.16x. EBITDA rose by EUR26m in the Americas, EUR14m in Asia, EUR9m in Africa and EUR1m in Europe. EBIT...

Beni Saf starts clinker exports to Mauritania

23 November 2020, Published under Cement News

GICA-owned Beni Saf Cement in Algeria started exports of clinker with a 13,000t shipment from the port of Ghazaouet to Mauritania on 18 November 2020. The company’s exports are in line with the government’s policy of promoting the country’s non-hydrocarbon exports. GICA has exported to Benin, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Mauritania and Senegal.

GICA subsidiary prepares export plan

04 March 2020, Published under Cement News

The Public Industrial Group of Algerian Cement (GICA) has announced that its Beni Saf subsidiary plans to export over 45,000t of clinker to African countries during the current year. Orders are reportedly under study for exports from the port of Ghazaouet, Algeria, to several countries, including Ghana, Guinea and Mauritania, according to Dakmous Fatima-Zohra, communications and marketing officer. After fulfilling national orders, Beni Saf Cement is targeting these markets as a first ste...

Soc Cimenterie du Sahel to enter Mauritania market

29 April 2016, Published under Cement News

The Mauritanian government has approved a project by Société Cimenterie du Sahel to set up a new cement plant. It is expected that the EUR27.118m investment will generate 300 new jobs, including 78 permanent ones. Currently operating in the Senegal and Benin markets, Société Cimenterie du Sahel is expanding its activities to Mauritania and considering other high-growth markets in the region.

Recent orders for Cemengal in Saudi Arabia and Mauritania

03 April 2014, Published under Cement News

Cemengal has received a second order from a Saudi Arabian client for the supply of its Plug&Grind® (P&G) process technology. It has also received two orders for the system in Mauritania. The P&G units are complete cement grinding and packing stations based on a ball mill grinding facility. They are assembled in Spain with European components and compacted into eight or nine standard containters making it easier to transport. The P&G system has the capacity to produce 100,000tpa of OPC.