Cement News tagged under: Trading

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Threat of nationwide transporters’ strike

16 August 2004, Published under Cement News

Cement prices are likely to go up by between Rs 10 and Rs 15 across south India because of the threat of a nationwide transporters’ strike from August 21. The end of the monsoon season is also being cited as another reason. At present, cement prices are hovering between Rs 132 and Rs 145 per bag in Andhra Pradesh, between Rs 160 and Rs 170 in Tamil Nadu, between Rs 160 and Rs 170 in Karnataka and between Rs 167 and Rs 170 in Kerala. In the case of AP, the start of the Krishna pushkarams (fest...

Garadagh sets new prices

16 August 2004, Published under Cement News

Garadagh Cement declared the new recommended prices of cement for the attention of the dealers. Azer-press reports that the recommended prices in Baku are AzM 18 thousand per standard sack (50 kg) of the Ì400 cement and AzM 16.5 thousand per standard sack (50 kg) of the Ì300 cement. The recommended prices in Sumgait are AzM 18.5 thousand per standard sack of the M400 cement and AzM 17 thousand per standard sack of Ì300. The recommended prices in the provinces of the country will vary dep...

Ararat exports

16 August 2004, Published under Cement News

Export volume of Araratcement (Armenia) in seven months of 2004 grew almost 14 times and amounted to 1.430 billion AMD, as against 10.273 million AMD in the same period of 2003. According to the report of RA Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, at this total realization volume of the company in report period grew by 80.3% and amounted to 3.08 billion AMD, as against 1.7 billion AMD in 2003. The company produced 3.24 billion AMD worth products as against 2.2 billion AMD in the same pe...

Cement merchants offload stocks

16 August 2004, Published under Cement News

UAE Cement suppliers have in recent days started offloading stocks they had earlier built up in anticipation of higher prices. With imports set to flow in after a deal hammered out by the UAE Contractors Association, they fear a market glut might cause prices to crash, industry sources said. Some contractors are now holding off from fresh purchases at current rates of Dh17-Dh18 per bag in anticipation of cheap imports that might be as low as Dh11-Dh12 per bag, they added. "The situati...

US builders urge Bush to drop Mexican cement tariffs

12 August 2004, Published under Cement News

The nation’s home builders are urging the Bush administration to lift heavy duties on Mexican cement in the face of a shortage of building materials.  A July survey by the National Association of Home Builders said 41 per cent of builders reported a cement shortage, up from 11 per cent of respondents surveyed in May. The shortage has pushed up prices of cement, the key ingredient for making concrete for foundations. Rising prices of cement and building materials such as steel framing, wa...

Higher prices for cement?

12 August 2004, Published under Cement News

Though Colorado continues to skirt a cement shortage halting construction across the country, local builders fear they’ll soon feel the pinch of higher cement prices.  At least two cement companies here -Ready Mixed Concrete Co. in Denver and Holcim (US) Inc. in Florence - have raised rates. Holcim officials declined to reveal the hike they recently implemented. Officials at Ready Mixed also declined to comment. However, Ready Mixed Concrete recently sent a letter informing customers of a pr...

Bag price increase

11 August 2004, Published under Cement News

Frantschach Industrial Packaging announces a price increase for paper sacks.  This step is a response to higher prices in the sack paper and PE granulate  material markets. In addition, energy costs are also steadily increasing. The latest price rises are influenced by strong demand in emerging markets  such as China and India, as well as the economic upswing in the US and other  paper market tendencies. Due to these parameters, a medium-term price rise  is expected for both sack paper and ...

Decision to waive off duty

11 August 2004, Published under Cement News

The UAE Cement Contractors Union has expressed a readiness to cooperate to restore stability to cement prices, in view of the fact that General Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Dubai Crown Prince and UAE Minister of Defence recently exempted cement from tariffs and other equivalent fees for imports. Dr Ahmed Saif Belhasa, Chairman, Cement Contractors Union, said : "Recent move taken by Shaikh Mohammed is a very generous one and will support the contracting industry, the building and...

Duty waived

04 August 2004, Published under Cement News

Dubai Crown Prince General Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has ordered the waiver of customs duty and storage fees on cement imported by Nakheel in a bid to keep cement prices down in the emirate. He praised the initiative by Nakheel as beneficial to the local community, reported Gulf News.

Cement market oversupply?

03 August 2004, Published under Cement News

Increased imports of cement have helped bring cement prices to a more rational level in the local UAE markets. But if the situation continues, it could cause the market to suffer from oversupply, industry officials warned. A number of traders have jumped into the cement business recently, primarily to cash in on the recent price hike in the market, Some traders are offering imported cement at Dh10-Dh12 per bag in the open market, which is putting pressure on local cement manufacturers who ha...