Cement News tagged under: new capacity

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Bolivia: Soboce receives new kiln

25 August 2016, Published under Cement News

Bolivian cement company Sociedad Boliviana de Cemento (Soboce) has received a vertical kiln, the first to will installed in Bolivia, as part of Illimani LP12 project. An FLSmidth OK 36-4 mill will also be fitted into the firm's Viacha factory. The plant currently produces over 0.9Mta of cement but will see a capacity raise by 136 per cent to 2Mta. The project is 45 per cent complete and represents a total investment of over BOB550m (US$80.17m). The new equipment will be in use by the 2H...

Semen Indonesia

24 August 2016, Published under Cement News

Semen Indonesia’s new plant in Kendeng, Central Java, was dealt a blow earlier this month when President Joko Widodo ordered a pause in the opening of new plants in the region, despite Semen Indonesia’s factory being 95 per cent complete. This follows protests by residents of the Kendeng Mountains on the environmental impact of ongoing cement plant construction in the region. Despite rising oversupply of cement in Indonesia, as many as six new plants are due to open in the country in 2H16...


24 August 2016, Published under Cement News

Following S&P Global Ratings slashing PPC’s rating to ‘junk’, PPC shareholders have unanimously approved a ZAR4bn (US$285m) capital raising to help relieve short-term pressure on the company’s balance sheet. PPC’s debt is expected to reach ZAR10-12bn by 2017. This comes hot on the heels of news that the company’s share price has halved during 2016 so far to ZAR7.92. Despite this, the company’s new plant in Zimbabwe remains on track for completion this year. Riots in the country and restri...

UltraTech Cement

24 August 2016, Published under Cement News

UltraTech’s plans to construct a new 1.5Mta plant in Bokaro, Jharkhand, have received the backing of the district authorities, according to local press reports. Bokaro is also home to two steel factories, which have reportedly responded positively to the possibility of a local cement works.  Meanwhile, the company has secured 129,000t of coal from Gevra Road mines in Maharashtra and 138,200t from New Kusmunda mines in Chhattisgarh. With both locations landlocked, UltraTech has helped miti...

Anhui Conch

24 August 2016, Published under Cement News

Anhui Conch has reported a 28.8 per cent fall in profits in 1H16, compared to the same period last year. Intense competition and overcapacity have been blamed for the decline, taking profit to CNY3.4bn (US$506m). Revenue also fell, slipping marginally by one per cent to CNY24bn (US$3.6bn). Sales volumes, however, were up by 11 per cent YoY at 128Mt while costs tumbled by 13.7 per cent, driven by lower raw materials, power and labour prices, leading to a 3.6 per cent boost to the company’s ma...

Cemex to commission new 1Mta Colombian plant in December

24 August 2016, Published under Cement News

Cemex expects to bring its new cement plant in Maceo, Antioquia, Colombia online at the end of this year, according to Carlos Jacks, president of the Mexico-based cement producer. The new works will have a capacity of 1Mta and represents an investment of US$360m. The project also includes the construction of a 40km-long concrete access road which connects the works to the motorway system.

US$69m loan for Equatorial Guinea cement plant

15 August 2016, Published under Cement News

The Equatorial Guinea government has been granted a XAF40.5bn (US$69m) loan by the Cameroon-based Common Savings and Investment Fund (CCEI) to build a cement plant in the west African state. The loan will be used for the purchase of production equipment, including raw material storage, laterite crusher and conveyors. Grupo Abayak SA will build a 0.5Mta cement plant in Akoga, reflecting a total investment of XAF162bn. The option exists to expand the works’ capacity to 1Mta.

Pakistan: FECTC to add 0.95Mta capacity

29 July 2016, Published under Cement News

One of Pakistan's smaller cement companies, Fecto Cement Ltd (FECTC) is reported to plan a new cement plant in Kalar Kahar, Chakwal district, Punjab. The works is expected to add 0.95Mta of capacity to the company's existing 0.819Mta. The project represents an estimated investment of PKR12bn and commissioning is expected by 2018. Financial performance FECTC saw also a boost in revenues during the nine-month period ended 31 March 2016 as net sales revenue rose 7.7 per cent YoY to P...

Titan Cement brings 0.2Mta plant online in Uzbekistan

25 July 2016, Published under Cement News

Titan Cement has commenced production at a new cement works in Karauzyak, Karakalpakstan in Uzbekistan. The 0.2Mta plant represents an investment of UZS10.6bn and is expected to employ 200.

0.5Mta CIMAF Gabon plant inaugurated

11 July 2016, Published under Cement News

Gabon President, Ali Bongo Ondimba, formally inaugurated the new Cements de l’Afrique (CIMAF) cement plant in Owendo, Gabon, in the presence of the country’s Prime Minister and other dignitaries. "This is another testimony of the achievements that we see accomplished in the industrial Gabon. And we are happy that the inauguration today be in the company of our Moroccan brothers who took it upon themselves to come and invest in our country,” said the president. Built with an investment o...