Cement Manufacturing Technology Course
The course content will be suitable for a wide range of personnel within a cement manufacturing company including junior/middle management, technicians, production and control room staff, etc and also for others who wish to gain a comprehensive understanding of the complete cement manufacturing process.
Course Content
Module 1 - Objectives of cement manufacturing fundamental requirements of the cement product in application.Lectures in this module:
- Session 1.1 - History of Cement
- Session 1.2 - Cement demand
- Session 1.3 - Cement Industry Characteristics
- Session 1.4 - Customers’ Requirements
- Session 1.5 - Chemical and Mineral Composition
- Session 1.6 - Clinker Combination & Hydration
- Session 1.7 - Cement Types and Applications
Module 2 - Raw materials for cement manufacture exploration, extraction, processing and mixing of cement raw materials. Lectures in this module:
- Session 2.1 - Raw Materials for Cement Manufacturing
- Session 2.2 - Raw Material Proportioning
- Session 2.3 - Crushing and Blending
- Session 2.4 - Raw Material Storage & Blending
- Session 2.5 - Raw Milling Systems
- Session 2.6 - Kiln Feed Homogenisation
- Session 2.7 - Combined Kiln & Raw Mill Systems
Module 3 - Pyroprocessing 1 - Chemical, physical and mineralogical transformation from raw mix to cement clinker. Lectures in this module:
- Session 3.1 - Pyroprocessing
- Session 3.2 - Combustion in the Kiln
- Session 3.3 - Precalcination
- Session 3.4 - Cooling the Cement Clinker
Module 4 - Pyroprocessing 2 - Process and equipment evolution for cement clinker manufacture. Lectures in this module:
- Session 4.1 - Venting exhaust gases from the kiln
- Session 4.2 - Alkali Cycles
- Session 4.3 - Emissions Mitigation
- Session 4.4 - Mass and Energy balance of the Kiln
Module 5 - Cement grinding and dispatch. Finishing the cement manufacturing process and satisfying the end-customer. Lectures in this module:
- Session 5.1 - Developing Fineness
- Session 5.2 - Classification and Separation
- Session 5.3 - Gypsum dehydration and temperature control
- Session 5.4 - Blended cements, grinding aids and quality improvers
Module 6 - Sustainability in cement manufacture. Meeting corporate, customer, social and environmental obligations in the manufacture of cement. Lectures in the Module:
- Session 6.1 - Essential Services
- Session 6.2 - Sustainability
- Session 6.3 - Quality Assurance
- Session 6.4 - Manpower
Course Material
The course is open to all in the cement industry and a small fee will be charged for each student. You may also use the course in a classroom situation with multi-student involvement, although certification and course monitoring can only be arranged for the people actually registered for the course.
The course is conducted on-line, allowing students flexibility (within a six-week period) to complete each module and associated assessments at work or home. Students should expect to devote around 5+ hours per week/per module plus some additional time for private reading/study. A computer with internet access (broadband recommended) and email capabilities will be necessary.
Throughout the course the lectures are supplemented with exercises allowing students to relate the course material to their cement factories, or the cement factories of their clients in the case of equipment or service suppliers to the cement industry. Certification is achieved by completing a satisfactory level of exercises, and by end-of -module exams.
The course is complete with downloadable transcripts of the lectures, exercises, and reading material for the training record.