pls send me this calculations sir,
my e mail is mohd_shafiahmed@yahoo.com

hello every one ..
Mr kotyal pls send me this calculator ..
thanx ..............azhar.ncc@gmail.com

Guys its so easy you can do this by your self instead of begging some one mostly he never send that for you all ,,
- First grinding media size for example 20 mm
- Final size ex .. 100 mm
- Estimate the wear rate and that is mostly for cement mills application
= 35 g / ton Clinker
- working hours / production per 3 months ( 4 times per year )
- Add per ( working hours , production , ) one time annual
100 mm production working hours ( readjustment ) once per 30 % changes in tonnage
90 =================================== annual
70 ====================================
60 ==================================
20 ==================================== Every 20 % changes
Stop crush( Blaine & weight of balls , working height , change in kw and compartments situations .
Thats all indications you needs to estimate wear rates

Thanks Mr ILA,
You Rightly pointed out .This forum is just to disseminate their experience in cement field so that others can gain some knowledge and contribute if they feel....not like some guys who make a tall promise of having possession of something and not revealing it...