Technical Cement Forum / Re: how to estimate the wear rate for Ball mill
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Dear Mr. Pankaj,

Thanks for finding my work on ‘’ Grinding ball pattern software” useful. I have developed few software for cement industry   which are listed below. I would like to inform you that these software are developed for a per particular plant. It has to be redesigned as per your plant. Some forum members complain that people are not sharing their work .But if I send them my Excel sheet they will have to call me for each-n-every cell of the sheet.

Anyhow, if someone has a problem, I can help up to forum level.



Raw material

Raw mix design, cost calculation and process effect before procurement.

Raw meal to Clinker mass balance.

Required Raw material for new plant.( storage,milling,transport etc)

Benefit of using of low grade of Lime stone or other material


Silo Capacity calculation.

Mole weight Calculator.

Bulk density calculator.

Calculation for Bricks of any shape to any diameter Kiln.

Kiln Brick management Program.

Air density at Blower inlet & Outlet.

Kiln Process

Kiln, mill and plant optimization.

Kiln Heat, material, air, water and power balance calculation.

Kiln burner condition ( Present)

Predicted Production loss & effect with different fuel.

Cost saving by optimizing Primary air & preventing false air.

Online process condition by plant reading, (Heat & mass bal. flow etc.)

Air / Gas flow measurement.

Kiln combustion gases ( product) calculation

Loss by 'CO' formation

Alkali & sulfur circulation calculation.

Plant Design

Pneumatic Conveyor Design.

Kiln burner pipe design.

Kiln process Simulator.

Kiln design @ Clinker production.

Kiln Tire Shim design.


Coal Analysis

Natural gas analysis.

Required Coal mill capacity.

Fuel Cost calculation

Fuel ratio in present condition

Fuel cost calculation. / Extra cost by High Heat Cons.

Coal feeder error.

Cement Chemical

Predicted Clinker Composition.

Sulfur Balance.

Alkali / Sulfur Balance.

Inferior Clinker & filler blending with finished cement.

Ratio for Type - II Cement.

Calculated heat of Hydration in cement.

Ball Mill

Mill output v/s Blain

Mill ball design

Raw mill capacity

Raw meal to Clinker factor

Mill heat balance

Coal mill Production and consumption balance.



knowledge give and take is prime  in the forum. please donot misunderstand others what thay are saying.




Dear sir,

Can you send me the above calculation excell sheets to my below mail ID:


with reg.



fluence sysbacip
fluence sysbacip

Dear Sir Vikpro,

Kindly if possible can u send it to me also at

