As per the experience, for 3 chambers 1000 HP cement mill, the given below thumb rule of wear rate and Kwh was found to be practicle.
1st Chamber ....0.3 kgs./ tonne cement ground. 90 mm make up load.
2nd Chamber ...0.2 kgs / tonne cement ground. 60 mm make up load.
3rd Chamber ...0.1 kgs. / tonne cement ground. 30 mm balls or cylpebs make up load.
For every addition of 1 tonne grinding media there is an increase of around 1.15 kwh.
Monthly monitoring of kwh and its gradual reduction gives us an indication of grinding media load addition.Distribution of make up load in different chambers may be worked out based on the above thumb rule.
Normally, 1st chamber requires monthly load addition, 2nd Chamber; once in 3-4 months and 3rd chamber once in 6 months.
Bhaskar Agate

Dear Mr.Kotiyal
Kindly send me your software to calculate best pattern of grinding media.

Mr. Pankaj,
Check your mail and attached Excel sheet, call me if u face any problem.