Recovery in the UK market for mineral products like aggregates, concrete, asphalt and mortar was sustained during the 4Q20, but full-year sales volumes were down on 2019.

This is according to the latest survey from the Mineral Products Association (MPA), which said the figures are encouraging but also urged the UK Government to push on with delivering the planned infrastructure programme to support the economic recovery, construction and the supply chain.

Following on from the faster than expected pick-up in demand for these materials after the first COVID-19 lockdown, sales volumes of ready-mixed concrete increased by a 9.1 per cent in the 4Q20 compared to the 3Q20, 7.8 per cent for primary aggregates, 5.5 per cent for asphalt and 3.1 per cent for mortar. Increases were recorded in most regions and devolved nations in Great Britain, except in London, where volumes of ready-mixed concrete and asphalt saw renewed declines in demand. 

This means that for the whole year, sales volumes were significantly lower in 2020 compared to 2019, with ready-mixed concrete and mortar the weakest, down 18.2 and 23.5 per cent respectively, while aggregates declined by 10.5 per cent and asphalt by 8.6 per cent.

Asphalt sales in the 4Q20 exceeded pre-pandemic levels, up 5.8 per cent compared to the 4Q19. The recovery in both ready-mixed concrete and mortar sales has been slower.