HeidelbergCement subsidiary PT Indonesia Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk will be replacing the majority of its coal use with a full alternative fuels solution from FLSmidth, who will be delivering a MissionZero flagship product. The project will enable the Indonesian cement producer to use municipal waste and biofuels.

PT Indocement awards AF contract to FLSmidth. Left to right: Lars Bo Larsen, Danish Ambassador
to Indonesia – Jeppe Kofod, Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs – Leo Carnevale, FLSmidth area sales manager –
Christian Kartawijaya, Indocement CEO/president director, and Holger Morch, HeidelbergCement Technical
Center Indonesia director
The contract was signed at a ceremony at the Citeureup plant, Indonesia, on 22 November 2021, in the presence of Denmark’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jeppe Kofod.
At the Indocement site on the outskirts of Jakarta, FLSmidth will deliver the new HOTDISC-S, which can turn a wide range of alternative fuels, including municipal waste and biofuels, into a reliable heat source for its SLC Calciner.
“It’s a growing challenge in many parts of the world, with municipal waste accumulating as authorities struggle to find effective answers,” says Carsten Riisberg Lund, cement industry president, FLSmidth. “The cement industry is well-positioned to be part of the solution, and we see more and more cement producers successfully replacing fossil fuels with alternative solid fuels as an energy source. I am very pleased we can support Indocement in its sustainability ambitions in Indonesia, particularly at a site we helped to build in 2000,” he adds.
“As a vertically integrated cement producer, Indocement have a huge responsibility to the community we operate in and our customers expect us to do everything in our power to minimise the use of coal. The new, redesigned FLSmidth HOTDISC is a perfect match for our SLC Calciner, but, more importantly, it offers us flexibility as we increase the use of alternative fuels,” says Christian Kartawijaya, Indocement’s president director. “FLSmidth has excellent process knowledge and a great track record in installing HOTDISC’s in the region, which gives us great confidence about partnering with them on the project,” Mr Kartawijaya concludes.