What cement users want
Dr Michael Clark examines product development and where there might be gaps in the market.
Dr Michael Clark examines product development and where there might be gaps in the market.
Dr Michael Clark advises on how producers can gather the information needed to beat local competi...
Dr Michael Clark looks at the intricacies of cement production accounting and estimating input in...
Dr Clark investigates the probable cause of unsound concrete that is traced back to a cement prod...
Dr Michael Clark reports on a one-day fuel diversification course in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Dr Clark is inspired by Resource Co (Australia) to consider alternative fuel project assessment a...
Dr Clark looks at the progress made by the cement industry towards CO2 reduction and sustainability.
Dr Clark revisits the fictional land of Ruritania where things are not going quite according to p...
Dr Michael Clark stresses the importance of vocational training for the cement industry.
The second instalment on the complex dependencies involved in delivering a successful cement proj...
Dr Michael Clark offers an insight into roll press performance in terms of energy consumption.
Dr Michael Clark looks at how NOx emissions fit into the mass balance of a cement kiln.
Dr Michael Clark looks at how the precalciner and preheater have developed over the last half-cen...
Michael Clark reports on C3S content and its performance for manufacturing high-quality blended c...
Dr Clark investigates the various methods to control NOx and SOx and looks to future combative te...
Dr Michael Clark investigates heat recovery and energy flows in semi-wet kilns.