Cement News tagged under: Cementir

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Cementir boosts pretax profit

11 November 2014, Published under Cement News

Cementir's turnover for the first nine months of 2014 declined by 3.7 per cent to EUR714.7m as the Turkish and Egyptian currencies declined against the euro and Italian volumes fell further.   EBITDA, however, did increase by 10 per cent to EUR127.7m and the trading profit advanced by 31.7 per cent to EUR66.8m. After a net financial charge that was reduced by 72.4 per cent to EUR3.1m, the pre-tax profit jumped by 60.7 per cent to EUR63.7m compared with EUR39.7m a year ago.  Net debt a...

Cementir's growth impeded by the strong euro

30 July 2014, Published under Cement News

Cementir's turnover emerged just 0.1 per cent ahead at EUR472.8m in first half of the year, as the improvement in Denmark and Norway was offset by currency weakness and the continuing decline in Italy. EBITDA, however, rose by 26.4 per cent to EUR78.4m and was helped by a 7.8 per cent reduction in depreciation and similar charges. The trading profit was more than doubled and jumped ahead by 112 per cent to EUR37.6m. The net financial charge was jumped from EUR2.8m to EUR7.3m, resulting in...

Cementir advances in Nordic area and Turkey

12 May 2014, Published under Cement News

Cementir showed a 6.1 per cent recovery in first quarter turnver to EUR206.6m and  EBITDA jumped from EUR9.2m to EUR24.6m, reflecting improved profits from the Nordic countries and from Turkey. At constant exchange rates, the turnover would have been ahead by 17.1 per cent. The trading loss recorded in recent first quarters was replaced by a EUR4.9m profit this time, while the pre-tax loss was reduced from EUR13.7m to EUR1.8m. Net debt at the end of March was 9.4 per cent lower at EU...

Cementir offsets a weaker Italy by better markets elsewhere

06 February 2014, Published under Cement News

Cementir Holding's turnover improved by 1.3 per cent to  EUR988.6m, while at constant currencies the increase would have been 5.6 per cent. EBITDA improved by 22.9 per cent to EUR169.7m, though this was boosted by non-recurring credits approaching EUR10m.  As a result, the margin improved from 14.1 per cent to 17.2 per cent, or to 16.2 per cent excluding non-recurring items.  The trading profit showed a more marked advance, rising by 59.1 per cent to EUR76.7m. Net debt at the end of 2013 ...

Cementir sets out 2014-16 business targets

18 December 2013, Published under Cement News

Cementir's Board of Directors has approved the company's 2014-16 Business Plan which sees average annual EBITDA growth of around 16 per cent over the period. The plan lays the foundations for a further period growth following positive trends seen during 2013, the company said in a statement released yesterday. The strategy focuses on four key priorities: Improving the profitability of the current business Consolidating the group’s leadership in the white cement market Complet...

Cementir’s Taranto cement plant to cease clinker production by year-end

09 December 2013, Published under Cement News

Cementir is to cease clinker production from its 1.4Mta integrated Taranto works at the end of December, but milling operations are set to continue at the southern Italy-based plant. The company reiterated that weak domestic demand has led to a reduction in production levels, although for 2014 there are early indications of a slight recovery in consumption. Over the first nine months of the year, Cementir’s domestic deliveries were down by another 14 per cent and turnover declined by E...

Cementir's pre-tax profit more than doubles

08 November 2013, Published under Cement News

Cementir's turnover for the first nine months of 2013 increased by 1.4 per cent to EUR741.4m as higher numbers in the Nordic countries, Turkey and the Far East nor than offset the reductions in Italy and Egypt, but the EBITDA did rise by 22.3 per cent to EUR116m. The trading profit advanced by 65.6 per cent to EUR50.7m. After a net financial charge 20.9 per cent lower at EUR11m the pre-tax profit again more than doubled to EUR39.7m compared with EUR16.7m a year ago. Net debt at the end of S...

Cementir improves first-half margins

29 July 2013, Published under Cement News

Cementir's turnover improved by 2.2 per cent to EUR472.4m (US$627.6m) during first half of the year as improvements in the Far East, the Americas, Norway and Turkey more than compensated for lower volumes in Italy and Denmark. The EBITDA improved by 10.8 per cent to EUR62m while the depreciation and impairment charge was 3.5 per cent ahead at EUR44.3m, leaving the trading profit 34.8 per cent ahead at EUR17.7m. The net financial charge was reduced by 71.1 per cent to EUR2.4m, resulting in...

Cementir hit by hard Nordic winter

13 May 2013, Published under Cement News

Cementir's first-quarter turnover eased by 0.3 per cent to €194.7m and the EBITDA declined by 26.9 per cent to €9.2m as the cement major was hit by a hard Nordic winter weather. The trading loss increased by 56.1 per cent to €12.4m, but at the pre-tax level the increase in the loss was a more modest 20.3 per cent up to €13.7m. The severe winter weather in Scandinavia and Italy had a particularly negative effect in the month of March. As a result, Scandinavian cement shipments were down b...

Cementir improves profits in spite of lower volumes   

01 February 2013, Published under Cement News

Cementir Holding saw turnover advance by 4.6 per cent to €976.2m, helped by better prices, and the EBITDA improved by 11.1 per cent to €138.0m. Net debt at the end of 2012 was 4.2 per cent higher at €373m. The number of employees increased by 3.3 per cent to 3307. Group shipments of grey and white cement declined by six per cent to 9.85Mt, reflecting lower volumes in Italy and in Egypt and a decline in exports from Turkey. This was in part offset by higher volumes in the Far East. Aggre...