Destination Congo
Arriving in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a cement expert might expect a challenging time whe...
Arriving in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a cement expert might expect a challenging time whe...
Euromecc reports on a recent terminal project with a combined storage facility for an Italian cem...
A TEC describes the mini cement plant project at Cementos San Marcos, Colombia
JK Cement is open for business in Fujairah, UAE, where it can produce white and grey cement from ...
PT Indocement's Citeureup plant in Indonesia receives a new sack line from Windmöller and Hölscher.
Ash Grove Cement's Harrisonville facility in the US invests in a new palletising line from Premie...
Qassim Cement Co looks for alternative ways to dispose/utilise bypass dust and finds a novel solu...
KHD reports on new production line start-ups at Kahramanmaras Cimento and Askale Cimento.
Coboce explains the rationale behind its new 1.6Mta line in Bolivia and outlines projects under p...
InterCem installs a new kiln sealing system for Cimenterie de Lukala (HeidelbergCement)in the DR ...
Houston Cement, USA, reaps the benefits of its rail-mounted Cargotec shipunloader.
Lucky Cement describes its joint venture with Rawji Group for a 1.3Mta greenfield cement plant in...
HeidelbergCement's Slite cement plant works towards meeting an ambitious fuel substitution rate.
Cementos Argos has invested US$100m in modernising its Rioclaro cement plant, Colombia.
Cimento Tupi calls on Kawasaki Heavy Industries for a CK370 raw mill as part of the Brazilian cem...
Essroc provides an overview of its Martinsburg works, the focus of this year’s IEEE-IAS/PCA confe...