Thatta Cement on 13 July 2015 successfully started clinker production from its modernised plant situated in Thatta district, Sindh province, the company informed the Karachi Stock Exchange.
Production had been suspended from 28 February 2015. The expansion project will lift capacity at the plant from 0.25Mta to 0.525Mta.
In the first nine months of FY14, the company earned a net profit of PKR 241m compared to PKR195m in the corresponding period of the previous year. Sales during the nine months to the end of March 2015 increased by 2.46 per cent in value terms but volumes were down 5.67 per cent.
Thatta's cement plant is reportedly the only domestic cement producer to be certified by the American Petroleum Institute for manufacturing Class G oil well cement. It started producing oil well cement last year and is currently working on expanding the market for this product. It has been supplying global giants operating within the country, including Haliburton and Schlumberger.

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