Unitherm Cemcon successfully commissioned the firing system for a new 6000tpd plant in Nigeria (Edo State) in December 2018. The greenfield plant of BUA Cement group was supplied by CBMI Construction Co Ltd.
Unitherm's scope of supply included:
• one rotary kiln burner MAS/6/KO.EG.SO (fuels: coal, natural gas, heavy fuel oil) with a nominal capacity of 113MW including accessories like burner trolley, ignition burner and flame monitoring
• four UNICAL-KO-EG-SO-4000 calciner burners (fuels: coal, natural gas, heavy fuel oil) with a nominal capacity of 40.5MW per burner
• four burner valve trains for natural gas and heavy fuel oil including burner management system for the rotary kiln and the calciner burners.
Arabian Cement Co signs contract for Rabigh power project
Arabian Cement Co informed the local Saudi exchange on 1 December about the signing of an agre...