Betolar and FCP collaborate on cement-free paving

Betolar and FCP collaborate on cement-free paving
06 December 2023

Betolar, a Finnish sustainable materials technology company, and Fujairah Concrete Products (FCP) have launched a number of new products based on the cement-free Geoprime solution developed by Betolar. The two companies have been collaborating since early 2023 to bring new sustainability products to the market that can significantly reduce CO2 emissions. According to Ville Voipio, chief commercial officer at Betolar, “Cement reduction plays a crucial role in drastically cutting CO2 emissions from building materials. Our solution helps the industry reach its sustainability goals.” 

Together the companies have designed and tested a geopolymer-based concrete paving product manufactured with the Geoprime solution, suitable for the Middle East market. As production does not use cement but industrial side streams, the use of these new products significantly reduces the CO2 footprint compared to ordinary cement-based paving stones. 

The paving products manufactured by FCP with the Geoprime solution meet the standards of the Abu Dhabi Council for Quality and Conformity (ADQCC). Local standards for compressive strength and water absorption parameters have also been adopted. In addition, Geoprime paving products meet the requirements of the standards regulating wear resistance (EN1338, EN1339 and EN1340). 

“Environmental sustainability is a real concern worldwide. FCP has always developed new projects that contribute to the sustainability of the construction industry by collaborating with world-class players to implement customised solutions,” says Naser Al Mulla, general manager, FCP.

Published under Cement News