

Registered User New Delhi Employee

Re: How to estimate OEE

OEE is of two types one is Gross OEE and the 2nd is Net OEE.  OEE gross (%) = Gross availability index(%) x Product...

Kiln burner explosion

Has some one any information regarding kiln burner explosion?

Re: density of raw meal

1.35 for Raw Meal in silo for 14% residue on 90u. 1.4 for cement in silo for 3200 Blaine.

Re: what is the relation between cyclone dia & its feed pipe dia?

Thanks Sir.

what is the relation between cyclone dia & its feed pipe dia?

I want to know that is there any relation between cyclone diameter and its feed pipe diameter? between kiln diameter ...

Re: Explosion risks of CO


Explosion risks of CO

CO generation is avoided in kiln operation to avoid heat losses, reducing atmosphere and explosion risks. When having...

Kiln Inlet Coating

What can be the cause of coating formation towards the kiln inlet side and which material/process causes it?

Re: Air velocity

Thanks a lot, Sir for your reply.But the mill is double chamber by HCRDI China.

Air velocity

Dear Friends,                      I would like to know the air velocity in 1st & 2nd chamber of a cement  ball mil...
