The Portland Cement Association (PCA), representing US cement manufacturers, has expressed concern over the Trump Ad...
Cemex Egypt has reaffirmed its commitment to sustainability and community development through its ongo...
The Materials Processing Institute (MPI) has announced the launch of its GBP1m Sustainable Cement and Concrete Centr...
Titan Group is expanding its venture capital portfolio and further accelerating its innovation strategy. In line w...
Birla Corporation , the MP Birla Group ’s flagship company, has reported a 71.42 per cent YoY decline in its conso...
The German Cement Works Association (VDZ) has introduced a new CO 2 label called the 'Cement Carbon Class' (CCC) to...
The decline in the Chinese cement market deepened in 2024. Demand contracted eight per cent YoY in 2024 to 1858.9Mt,...
Indian cement consumption expanded 6.2 per cent YoY in 2024, amounting to 444.2Mt, up from 418.1Mt in 2023. This is ...
Italian cement output rebounded strongly in November, increasing seven per cent YoY, according to the latest data fr...
Thatta Cement Company has announced its financial results for the half year ending 31 December 2024, showcasing si...