Cement News tagged under: expansion

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Pakistan is entering a new cement capacity expansion phase

17 September 2021, Published under Cement News

In a cement conference, conducted by AKD Securities Ltd CEO, Muhammad Farid Alam, on 15 September 2021, Pakistan's cement industry producers confirmed that the country has entered another expansion phase. The total installed capacity of the cement industry in Pakistan is currently at 69Mta, and a further 18Mta of capacity is in the pipeline. This will take total production capacity to 87Mta by FY24. Atif Kaludi, CFO of Lucky Cement Ltd, Muhammad Rehan, CFO at Attock Cement Pakistan Ltd, S...

Cemex plans Guatemalan expansion

17 September 2021, Published under Cement News

Cemex will increase its cement capacity in Guatemala by early 2023 with a new grinding mill at the Arizona facility in the port of San José. The new mill will increase cement capacity from 0.4Mta to 0.9Mta and will cost approximately US$25m. Cemex plans to produce low-carbon cements with the extra capacity. "This investment reinforces Cemex’s commitment to Guatemala’s development and reflects our confidence in the favourable outlook of the economy in the country and the region," said J...

Udaipur Cement Works starts clinker expansion project

15 September 2021, Published under Cement News

Udaipur Cement Works Ltd (UCWL) has started project activity for a brownfield expansion at its 1.6Mta site in Rajasthan. Due to the increasing domestic demand of cement and in view of government’s push towards infrastructure development, the company decided to double its clinker capacity.   UCWL received the environmental clearance for the project from India's Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) in January 2021 and since then has placed order for machinery and...

JK Cement plans 23Mta expansion by end of 2023

03 September 2021, Published under Cement News

JK Cement intends increase production capacity to about 23Mta in the next two years, from 15Mta now, by expanding its footprints in northern and central India. "We will maintain and grow our market share in the short term. Apart from the ongoing expansion in Panna, and now in Hamirpur, we already have plans for another 4Mt expansion," said Madhav Krishna Singhania, JK Cement’s CEO. "We have visibility of reaching around 23Mta by 2023." The company will be expanding its footprint in ...

Cemex to expand capacity at its Rockfort plant by 30%

06 August 2021, Published under Cement News

Cemex plans to upgrade and increase the production capacity by 30 per cent of its Rockfort cement plant in Jamaica. This planned increase would strengthen the self-sufficiency of the national cement industry, reduce dependency on cement imports and reinforce CCCL’s ability to serve the growth of the construction sector in Jamaica and the Caribbean.   Cemex anticipates that once this planned expansion is finished, CCCL will increase its existing cement production capacity by approximately...

Ambuja Cements plans 1.5Mta Ropar expansion

02 August 2021, Published under Cement News

India’s Ambuja Cements has announced plans to expand capacity at its Ropar plant in Punjab over the next two years, representing an investment of INR3.1bn (US$41.68m). The 1.5Mta project is expected to be completed by June 2023 with the grinding unit reaching a total capacity of 4.5Mta. "We are optimistic about the growth in demand for cement in India. The expansion of our Ropar unit along with more investment in the coming years will help us unlock fresh opportunities by debottlenecking e...

GCC reports strong 2Q21 results and prepares for expansion

28 July 2021, Published under Cement News

GCC reported a net sales increase of 18 per cent in the 2Q21 and a rise in EBITDA of 19 per cent. The company’s net financial expenses totalled US$10m during this accounting period. GCC reported cement volumes rising by 11 per cent in the 2Q21 compared to eight per cent in 2020. Concrete sales fell by 17 per cent compared to a six per cent rise in the 2Q20. Commenting on guidance for the remainder of 2021, Enrique Escalante, GCC’s CEO said: “ Starting in Mexico, we now expect GCC’s cem...

Dangote Cement considers Mtwara expansion

09 July 2021, Published under Cement News

Dangote Cement is reportedly considering an expansion of its Mtwara plant in Tanzania, as the domestic cement market expands. "We have come a long way and right now we are doing one production line and as volume increases and the market develops, the expansion of the existing plant may take place. This is because we have been well received in the market," said Abdullahi Baba, general manager of Dangote Cement Tanzania. The plant currently has 3Mta of cement capacity, which has already inc...

Flying Cement Co slates expansion to complete in 3QFY22

18 June 2021, Published under Cement News

Flying Cement Co Ltd (FCC) announced that its plant expansion in Mangowal, Kushab district of Pakistan's Punjab province is due to come online in the 3QFY22. The cement plant has an existing clinker production capacity of 4000tpd (Line I) and the company's Line II project will add a further 7700tpd to take total clinker production capacity to 11,700tpd. Out of the PKR10.2bn (US$64.8m) total projected cost for the expansion, FCC has already incurred PKR7bn. Taking into account the plant's ...

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions wins order for second Lebap kiln line

11 June 2021, Published under Cement News

Turkmen Enjam has commissioned thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions to build a second cement clinker production line at the Lebap cement plant, Koytendag region, Turkmenistan . The new 3000tpd cement clinker production line will be erected in parallel with the first line, which was built by thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions in 2010. For the new plant thyssenkrupp will supply the main components from crusher, raw material preparation, clinker production and storage through to cement ...