Michael Clark
Posts: 324
Strapline: Registered User
Re: Kiln dust emission by preheater
I presume that the clinker needs to be granulated in the kiln? If the clinker is dusty in the kiln then it is likely ...
Re: Blaine variation
Whether this has a harmful effect depends on whether the product from each mill has different properties in paste or...
Re: Brazil Standards
Kelly, Most countries have their own national standards for cement, but they are usually based on EN197 or ASTM C1...
Re: Bypass Dust
You should be happy! The bypass is taking out the things you don’t want to be there.
Re: Cement Ratings and Classifications
The cement strength class ratings under the EN197 cement standard are in fact 42.5N and 42.5R. The N and R suffixes ...
Re: burning zone coat formation
The mechanism of coating formation is that the liquid phases in the clinker penetrate the refractory lining to the po...
Re: Mill to Blaine or Mill to residue
There are advantages and drawbacks to controlling cement fineness to Blaine or to residue. Really you need to contro...
Re: natural gas and heavy oil
Typical calorific value of heavy oil would be 40,000 kJ/kg. Typical calorific value for natural gas would be 37 kJ/Nm3.
Re: flame optimisation
That is the way to adjust the burner, with the axial and swirl air and the positioning of the burner. Every kiln is p...
Re: Raw meal fineness determination
Dear Anand, Certainly you can estimate the residue on a 90 micron sieve using the Rosin Rammler distribution. ...