Cement News tagged under: production

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Kenyan production climbs 15.2 per cent YoY

14 November 2014, Published under Cement News

Cement production in Kenya rose by 15.2 per cent as consumption in the east African country surges, according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics. The country’s six cement manufacturers produced 4.24Mt in the period, up from 3.68Mt in the comparative period of the previous year. The surge in production has been partly attributed to increased capacity as the industry opened its doors to recent entrants, such as Savannah Cement, National Cement and Mombasa Cement. Consumpt...

In search of stabilisation

07 November 2014, Published under Cement News

After reaching a peak in 2011, Moroccan cement demand has weakened and since 2012 initiated a slowdown that has continued through 2014.  Mohamed Chaïbi, president of the Association Professionnelle des Cimentiers (APC), speaks to ICR about the current status and expected trends for the domestic market and production base. Mohamed Chaïbi, chairman of the Association Professionelle des Cimentiers, explains how the Moroccan cement industry has continued to press ahead in the face o...

Argentina: cement consumption rises 5% MoM but notes 3% YoY decline

07 November 2014, Published under Cement News

The Argentine cement market expanded by 5.3 per cent MoM to 1,101,072t in October 2014 but contracted by 3.1 per cent YoY, according to AFCP, the national cement producers’ association. The country’s cement producers dispatched 1,115,224t in the period. The figure, which includes exports represents a MoM increase of 5.8 per cent but a fall of 3.1 per cent YoY.

Tajikistan 10-month output rises

06 November 2014, Published under Cement News

Over the first 10 months of this year Tajikistan produced more than 1Mt of cement, an increase of 776,000t compared to the same period of last year, according to the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies (MoINT). The increase in output has been possible due to the “operation of two large cement plants – the Yovon cement plant [Huaxin Gayur Cement Co] and OJSC Tojikcement [Dushanbe cement plant],” an official source at the MoINT told Asia-Plus in an interview. According to the source,...

East Africa rises

05 November 2014, Published under Cement News

East Africa’s cement demand continues to rise as infrastructure and housing needs provide the basis for future consumption. While cement capacity investments continue, a shift in the make-up of ownership is being seen as local companies take up a more prominent position. By Francis Mwangi, Standard Investment Bank Ltd, Kenya. The emerging East African market is characterised by new capacities, growing exports and growing consumption trends Over the past decade, the east African ...

Vietnam October output up 10.3% YoY

30 October 2014, Published under Cement News

Vietnam is estimated to have produced 5.2Mt of cement in October, up 8.33 per cent from September and 10.3 per cent from a year ago, the government’s General Statistics Office (GSO) said. In the first 10 months, the country’s cement output has risen five per cent YoY to 48.4Mt, the office said in a monthly report. The GSO has also revised down the country’s cement output in September to 4.8Mt from the earlier estimated figure of 5Mt. In 2013, Vietnam’s cement output hit 56.84Mt, ac...

Colombia's cement market expands 11% in September

28 October 2014, Published under Cement News

Cement dispatches in Colombia rose 10.6 per cent YoY in September to 1.086Mt, according to the country’s statistics office, Dane. Grey cement production reached 1.072Mt, registering an increase of 6.9 per cent YoY. The largest increase occurred in Nariño (+104.8 per cent) but a sizeable rise in dispatches also took place in Magdalena (+37.1 per cent), Huila (+24 per cent), Cundinamarca (+13.9 per cent), Atlántico (+12.6 per cent), Bolivár (+12.5 per cent), Valle del Cauca (+10.8 per cent)...

Building despite uncertainty

24 October 2014, Published under Cement News

While economic growth in the CIS has slowed in recent years, partly due to a cooling Russian economy, many of its cement producers can look forward to an improving operating environment as the region’s resources are put to profitable use and governments invest in extensive housing and infrastructure programmes. Odessa, Ukraine In 2014 the CIS is home to 285m people, with over half of its ethnically-varied population living in Russia, a further 15 per cent in Ukraine, 10.8 per ce...

China’s August cement production stable at 224Mt

23 October 2014, Published under Cement News

China’s cement output remained largely stable in September 2014 at 224.15Mt when compared against August 2014, when the world’s largest cement maker produced 224.8Mt. YoY output slipped slightly from 225.06Mt. In the year to date, China’s cement production has reached 1809.41Mt.

Mikhailovcement Jan-Sept output up 20.2% YoY

14 October 2014, Published under Cement News

Mikhailovcement, part of the Eurocement group, produced 1.21Mt of cement in January-September 2014, up 20.2 per cent on the comparative period of last year. The Mikhailovcement plant, situated in the Ryazan region, produced 281,350t of  CEM I 42.5H (+65.6 per cent) and 981,620t of clinker (+17 per cent) during the period. A total of 1.234Mt were shipped to customers, up +21.1 per cent YoY.